Wharton’s Jelly Stem Cells (aka “zero-aged”) are sourced from donated umbilical cords after healthy live births. Because of this, no other source of stem cells can exceed the power, safety or quality of Resiliélle’s AGE-ZERO exosomes.

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Ethically Sourced: 

We only grow stem cells from Wharton's jelly of the human umbilical cord for their potency. Cords donated in an FDA ethical compliance process, after a live healthy full-term birth.

Low Passage Manufacturing Process: 

In a process called low passage expansion, we grow stem cells to maintain purity and quality and then harvest exosomes from the stem cell conditioned media.


We count and characterize the exosomes in our FDA Registered labs are in NY.


A panel of infectious diseases is tested on the donors of the umbilical cords. The final product is then tested at a Certified Independent CLIA lab for infectious diseases again, along with sterility, endotoxin, mycoplasma, and bioburden. A certificate of conformity is sent with each shipment, and all safety and quality tests for our topical use-only cosmetic exosome serum are traced to each vial.

Frozen, NEVER Lyophilized: 

To ensure the exosome stays functional to transport its powerful cargo and signal communication messages, we never lyophilize (freeze dry), which could break the exosome outer membrane.


Our stem cell patent pending mfg process technology yields the most premium exosomes in the world allowing us to have the most competitive pricing.